Colorado Turquoise Necklace


Delicate gold filed necklace made with our favorite gems, turquoise mined in Colorado. Exclusive design carefully handcrafted by immigrant women in Denver CO. The cutest present you can ever give!

18″ long.

The name turquoise stems from the 17th century through the French word turquois, or “Turkish.” After all, Turkish travelers first introduced medieval Europe to turquoise stones from Persian mines.

Is turquoise a lucky stone? You bet! As a popular symbol of good luck, turquoise can bring you success and fortune. The next time you’re pursuing that promotion at work, carry some turquoise for an extra shot of luck.

Manos Emprendedoras (ME), in English translates to entrepreneurial hands. We provide growth opportunities to immigrant women from around the world living in Colorado. With our help, they are able to better provide for their families and adapt to our culture in a peaceful and beautiful way.

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